”I wanted a second opinion for my cat, Lina, who has a tumor pressing on the nerves leading to her left hind leg, and surgery was the recommendation. I liked the cat neurologist I had taken her to, but when I asked what caused this (food, environmental conditions, etc), she said it just happens. Not a very scientific answer. Plus, there was no advice on what could help prepare her for surgery/help her heal from it, such as diet, herbs, etc (even though Lina needs to lose a bit of weight). That was a real concern for me. I've had my own issues with autoimmune disorders, and in my experience most doctors aren't good at diagnosing them or treating them. I've had the most luck with Integrative doctors. So I wondered if there were Integrative veterinarians. I googled it and that's how I found Dr Pamela Dragos. Her credentials were a page long! I made the appointment, filled out the paperwork online, and had the doctors send the medical records Dr Dragos also wanted to see Lina's tongue so I uploaded two videos.
Before the appointment she emailed me a summary of Lina, her condition, her treatments, info about the possible conditions, herbal supplements and diet suggestions (from priority supplements to additional helpful supplements), all with explanations and links to each. It was so incredibly thorough I felt like I was meeting my cat for the first time! I knew right then that I had found the right doctor for my precious baby girl.
The Zoom appointment was just as thorough. Afterwards, Dr Dragos emailed me with a recap of our conversation along with dosage info for the supplements.
Dr Dragos is very responsive both through text and email, so any questions get answered quickly.
I know my baby girl is in good hands and I would absolutely recommend Dr Dragos to anyone wanting to take control of their pet's healing! ❤
- Lina and Jennifer
I wanted to write to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help, guidance, and emotional support in helping getting Colt back to life. This fall will be 2 years since the skunk spray, and Dr. Seo's comment when he reviewed his blood work 2 weeks ago was "Jennifer, I have nothing to complain about!" His immune system is still wonky, but he is actually chunky now! He still wants 6 eggs each morning, and we are still doing a decent supplement routine...I cant believe how long its been, but just wanted to thank you so much for everything you did. I thought we were at the end, and you gave me the confidence to keep fighting. Ill never forget when I told you Guardian told me it was the end, you exclaimed "NO WAY!". Ill never forget the elation in my heart. I will never be able to repay you. -Jennifer and Colt

"I 10000% highly recommend Dr. Dragos!! She has done amazing things for my little Tofu, I am forever grateful to her when nothing else worked and when I exhausted all western vets and medications for his conditions!"
- Amineta and Tofu

”When I brought Kitt to see Dr. Pam Dragos she had been diagnosed with cancer. Kitt had no energy, difficulty walking and was in chronic pain. Dr. Dragos, upon looking at Kitts MRI determined that Kitt had Valley Fever and was misdiagnosed. After one session of acupuncture I saw a positive change. Combined with Oriental medicine tinctures, I saw continual improvement. It felt like a miracle to see Kitt recover! Also Kitt had terrible skin allergies that Kitt was treated with injections. The treatments handled it and she no longer needs shots. Today Kitt is 9 years old, healthy and thriving. I am so glad I found Dr. Dragos when I was searching for help to save my pup. I am so grateful for her amazing holistic veterinary practice. Kitt was the happiest of patients when she was in Dr. Dragos care."
- Kitt and Anne

”Spencer is my almost 15-year-old Boston Terrier-Pug mix (Bug as I like to call him). At the beginning of this year, he lost all his energy and was panting relentlessly. I took him to his vet to determine if there was some underlying issue causing all his panting. His vet told me that he is a 14-year-old dog with arthritis and recommended that I keep him comfortable at this stage of his life with sedatives and very strong pain medication. I was afraid of putting him on strong pharmaceuticals because of all the potential side-effects, so I decided to seek out alternative therapy options to manage his pain which is when I found Dr Dragos. Spencer's first appointment was in May, and it was such a refreshing change to have someone listen to me about Spencer's issues and show genuine compassion for his well-being as a senior dog. She initially believed that his issues were being caused by neck pain and thought that IVDD might be a possibility. She started him on a treatment plan of herbal remedies and he was seeing her every few weeks for acupuncture and laser therapy. He started showing some improvement and regained mobility in his neck and shoulders. His panting did not subside though, and Dr Dragos was not satisfied with that. She believed there was another factor and suggested I take him to his vet and have him tested for valley fever. I made an appointment, and the vet was adamant that he did not need to be tested because it was extremely unlikely he has valley fever and as she told me at his appointment at the beginning of the year, he is just an old dog with arthritis. I told her I still wanted to rule it out and she finally agreed to have him tested even though I was just "wasting my money". A few days later she called with his test results and said she was extremely surprised to see that he does have valley fever but that his titer is low and it didn't warrant putting him on any medication to treat the valley fever (the same vet who wanted me to put him on a sedative and strong pain medications). I requested the prescription anyway and put Spencer on it and he continued to see Dr Dragos for his acupuncture and herbal remedies. A very short three months later Spencer is a completely different dog. He is no longer panting, he is running around and playing, bullying his bigger siblings, and is a very happy curious dog again. When people see him, they tell me they can't believe he will be 15 in January and think he is a 9- or 10-year-old dog. I honestly never imagined Spencer could be like this again. I hoped to keep him comfortable and manage his pain without putting him on strong pharmaceuticals. I am extremely grateful for finding Dr Dragos. She is a caring, extremely knowledgeable, and compassionate veterinarian, who is a true advocate for the well-being of animals. Thank you for not giving up on Spencer and bringing back his spark."
- Monika and Spencer

”Captain is an 11 year old golden doodle.Two years ago, he was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. We found Dr. Dragos when we were at the point we had to carry him outside. With herbal medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Dragos turned him around and diagnosed him with Valley Fever. He now acts like a puppy again and is in better health than he ever has been. We like to say she saved him. We truly don't know where he would be without her expertise."
- Paige and Captain

”Your recommended products for Valley Fever worked! My golden retriever's titers went from 1:32 back down to 1:16. Thank you for making those 2 Valley Fever products available for dogs who aren't responding to fluconazole.”
- Elena and Grace

"I wanted to take some time to thank you again for your help and assistance with Carolina's health! We recently ran blood work and all numbers for liver and gallbladder are normal now!!! I could not believe it and we are very happy of course! It is thanks to you! I am forever thankful to you!!! Thank you again! This is making us feel so good to know that things are back to normal and really hoping and praying things will stay this way!!! Much love and respect for you!"
- Ina and Carolina

”Kitt is doing very well! There hasn't been any reoccurrence of her Valley Fever..Your treatment was a lifesaver."
- Anne and Kitt

"All in all he's doing really amazing I can't thank you enough his quality of life is just so different he's stopped shaking unless it's super cold out. He just wants to be up ALL DAY and go outside and play it's really unreal seeing the difference. He's never been much of a playful dog he just usually wants to sniff but he's been crazy. I almost don't care what the lab tests say but I will likely still check them December time and just see where things are! We keep saying how I wish I found you online sooner and booked an appointment! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I finally feel like I'm helping him."
- Amanda and Juno

"Miss Paris has been doing wonderful ever since we switched up her diet and started the supplements you had recommended. We have seen such a change in her health and are so pleased. She rarely has stomach issues which is such a relief. Previously she would have GI issues it felt like every week or every other week. She now has an episode every other month or longer. I truly feel the holistic approach has helped her so much! Thank you for all of your help, from afar! You have been so pleasant to work with and we are so grateful. Her gut health is SO much better now that we've implemented all of your recommendations back in August. It's like night and day. We can't thank you enough and will continue to come back."
- Francesca, Justin and Paris

"....we are thrilled! We really believe the change in food and the supplements are making the difference, so we want you to know how much we appreciate your help with that. He is doing great, and we hope that will continue for a long time :) We will do another blood and urine check in 6 months so will keep you up to date.... but wanted to give you the great news! Thank you!"
- Robin, Kelly and Finley
Muffin had labs done last week and everything is looking better! Her doctor was pleasantly surprised at some of the numbers. We're thrilled and so grateful to you for your help! Thank you!
- Anna, Jordy, and Muffinator

...just wanted to give you the update on Finley! We just had his bloodwork, urine and blood pressure done for his 6 month check and everything is stable! No change in bloodwork and his urine had no protein in it :) Also, his blood pressure is perfect! So, again just wanted to thank you for your recommendations...we are continuing with the things you suggested and believe it is truly helping!
- Robin, Kelly and Finley
"Louie is doing SO WELL!!!!! It’s incredible! His redness and sores have nearly vanished. He is loving the food and supplements... We are slowly taking him off the steroids and have been doing every other day for the last few days! Yay!
- Zoe and Louie
"As always, your insight is invaluable to me! I am so grateful that I found you!!"
- Julie, Seabass, Bambi, & Pablo
"Thank you so much for the comprehensive and amazing report. I have hope for the first time in two months!!"
- Lynn S. and Winston